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- Barbara Karmazin
The Zone Page 4
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Page 4
He nodded. “Many of our crewmates are also family so this closeness is part of who we are.”
“Close your eyes.”
He blinked. “What?”
“I want you to close your eyes, please.”
He closed his eyes. Jeresa touched his chin with her hand and guided his face lower.
His heart went into triple overdrive.
She kissed him. The first tentative brush of her lips turned into greedy pressure.
That’s all it took for him. He groaned, slid his hand around her neck and clasped the back of her head, pulling her closer. His cock rose in a solid column of eager readiness between their bodies.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him plunge his tongue deep into her mouth. He didn’t care if they were standing in the middle of a public hallway in full view of security scanners. He grabbed her ass, pulled her tight against his body and ground his cock against her. She had to know how much he wanted to fuck her right then and there.
She ended the kiss and laid her head against his chest. “Thank you, my Captain.”
His heart thundered on. He just held her and savored the sensation of her warm curvy body pressed against him in total acceptance.
Finally, she sighed. She disengaged herself from his embrace and grinned up at him with mischief gleaming in her eyes. “We have some paperwork to finish first.”
His heart turned over with joy. “Agreed.”
They re-entered the office. The clerk waited with bored insolence etched on his face.
Axel rested his elbow on the countertop, leaned over and said in a soft, cold voice. “Two thousand for expenses or I file an appeal to the front office.”
The clerk widened his eyes with acute innocence and consulted his figures a second time. “My mistake. Two thousand additional will be sufficient to expedite this transaction.”
Axel lifted his right hand. A ruby credit chip glinted within the solid silver and platinum band on his index finger. He placed his hand on the palm pad and waited until a soft bleep indicated that it had verified his ID. He inserted the ring in the credit transfer port. “Initiate transfer eight thousand Terra standard from the Nebula ship account.”
* * *
Jeresa stood in the middle of her cabin and hugged herself.
Axel had paid her debts in full. At least one of her dreams had just come true. She now had an official med-tech license and crew ID/credit chip ring.
Derek had installed a brand new doggie sanitary cubicle for Star and Gem. Both dogs sprawled on the floor in front of their empty food bowls and half-filled water dish.
They thumped their tails and panted at her in total contentment when she looked at them.
Garian had bought her clothes. Gorgeous clothes in every color of the rainbow.
He’d also bought her an entire selection of spun silk undergarments and six pairs of soft-soled flat shoes. She’d folded and put all the clothes away into the storage compartments under her bed.
Marcus had given her chocolates. Boxes and boxes of chocolates filled with supra-dark nuggets, chocolate covered raisins, nuts and pretzels, cream filled and caramel filled confections and pure white chocolate swirls. Her mouth watered at such a treasure. She’d stashed all but one small box away into storage.
Five hours and forty-five minutes from now was their scheduled departure time.
They’d be traveling six months in the vast emptiness between the stars before they arrived at their destination of Zeta Five. Six months alone with them. The choice was hers as to how she wanted to spend those next six months.
Jeresa went to her bed and selected the tiny foil wrapped packet she’d bought at the pharmaceutical store on the way back from the Port Authority Office. She unwrapped the foil, exposed a fragile gold chip dot, lifted the hem of her tunic and carefully placed it inside her bellybutton. Fifteen seconds later, after direct exposure to her body heat, the chip shimmered and melted into her skin.
Star and Gem sat on either side of her legs and looked up at her with their heads cocked. Gem whuffed and asked, “What Mommy doing?”
Jeresa smiled. “Mommy just took some medicine, baby. Stay here and guard my room. I’ll be back in a little while.”
* * *
She’d kissed him. Not just any kiss, but a hot, open-mouthed, passionate one.
Six months.
They’d be alone with her for six months. A lot could happen in six months.
Axel hummed under his breath. He pulled up the holographic checklist and went over the ship’s take-off procedures again. Maybe he should order a suited drill. That should keep everyone busy for a good hour or so.
Derek leaned back in his chair and folded his hands under his chin. “You look different.”
Garian swiveled his chair around. “He’s right. You do look different. I can’t quite put my finger on it.”
Marcus finished drinking his coffee, crumpled the paper cup and tossed it in the incinerator chute. “Ever since he walked out of the Port Authority Office he’s been walking around with that crazy smile on his face.”
Derek snorted. “I wouldn’t mind having a smile like that. What happened?”
All of them turned and studied Axel as if he’d suddenly grown a second head. He cleared his throat and said, “She kissed me.”
They leaned forward. Sudden comprehension and hope lit up their faces.
A soft chime pealed from the bridge control panel. The ship computer said, “Newest crewmember has entered lift. Estimated time of arrival on bridge. Two minutes.”
On the one hand, having alerts like this gave them a chance to make sure they didn’t say anything to scare Jeresa away. On the other hand, it didn’t feel right to have the ship’s computer keeping track of her like that. She was crew. Crewmates were supposed to be able to work together and trust one another like family. They shouldn’t have to keep secrets from her.
Chapter Seven
What the hell am I going to say? “Hey guys, I’ve changed my mind. I want to jump in bed with you, all of you, at the same time.”
Would they treat her like a slut if she said that?
If that was the case, then why were they going through all the trouble of buying her things and treating her like a queen? The lift settled to a stop. Her stomach did a final flip. Jeresa ran her hands through her hair and squared her shoulders. She was here now. The least she could do was thank them for their gifts.
The lift door slid aside. She stepped out onto the bridge and stopped at the railing that circled the area. A huge holograph showing the exterior visuals of the ship filled the opposite wall. Loader robots were driving away from the closed cargo bay doors. More robots were busy detaching and removing fuel, water and liquid oxygen supply hoses.
No one turned around from their intent perusal of holographic data grids floating above their individual control boards. They all appeared to be deeply engrossed in their work. This might not be a good time for idle chitchat. After all, they were scheduled for departure in about five and a half hours. Maybe they needed all of that time to do complicated data scans and prep for takeoff.
At the same time, it would look extremely awkward if she left the bridge without saying a word. She strolled around the bridge and did her best to look casual about the small box of chocolates in her hand.
Marcus had pulled up life-support and food inventory databases. He was looking over air scrubber supplies, the crop rotation in their greenhouse section and a detailed listing of their food, water and other liquid rations.
Axel was studying a star map with their trip itinerary and listing of jump zone paths.
Derek had the ship’s drive, computer graphics and jump vane schematics up in all their complex glory.
The holographic screens above Garian’s board showed open language databases and ten overlapping communications links. It wasn’t difficult to figure out that the laid-back effect of his beaded dreadlocks was just a cover. He not only could
follow multiple transmissions, he could do it in six different languages at the same time.
Did they expect her to spend the next six months studying their shot records and X-rays?
Oh, the hell with it. She hadn’t bought that anti-fertility chip so she could sit and play holographic solitaire in the VR lounge. Six months of slut sex would feel a lot better than six months of no sex.
She stopped beside Marcus’s chair. He turned his head, gaped at her cleavage, drew in a ragged breath and then wrenched his gaze up to her face. “Jeresa.”
Grey threaded his blond hair. She always liked older men. They paid more attention when they made love. She held up the little box and opened the lid. “I want to thank you for these chocolates. I love them. Do you want a taste?”
The silence on the bridge was deafening.
She selected a piece, closed the lid and placed the box on the console. Marcus watched every move she made with intense interest. She put the piece of chocolate in her mouth, let it melt a little and then bent down to kiss him.
It was as if his body reacted before his brain. He grabbed her, pulled her onto his lap and kissed her. It was a rough and uncontrolled kiss and the chocolate melted away fast under the heat of their hungry mouths. He moved his hand to her shoulder and tugged her tunic aside and squeezed her breast.
Yes! It felt so good.
He tweaked her nipple. She gasped and wiggled her ass against the nice, thick erection in his lap.
He lifted his mouth from hers and watched her face while his hand traveled from her breast down to her crotch. Her mind went blank. The only thing she could think about or feel was the slow, deliberate movement of his hand.
He rubbed his thumb in a firm circle over the damp fabric that covered her clit.
A contented moan escaped from her mouth. She rested her head on his shoulders and opened her legs wider to give him better access. “Thank you, Marcus.”
He lifted his hand from her crotch and patted her on the leg. “Anytime, darling. You’re very welcome.”
Three men stood around the chair. Their smiles and gazes held open admiration and eager anticipation.
The gold beads at the ends of Garian’s dreadlocks clicked against each other.
Jeresa stood up on shaky legs. Cool air brushed her right nipple. “I want to thank you too, Garian. The clothes you bought me are lovely.”
“My pleasure, ma’am.”
She looked at Derek. “And I want to thank you for fixing up my cabin.”
He shrugged. His eyes lingered on her exposed breast. “You’re crew now. It’s the least I could do.”
Garian gestured at her tunic. “Your top’s a bit lopsided now.”
She smiled. “Yes, it is.”
Marcus climbed out of his chair and positioned himself behind her. He rested his hands on her shoulders and said, “Do you want me to straighten it for you?”
Her pussy clenched under the sensual rasp in his voice. “No, take it off. Please.”
A happy growl vibrated in his throat. Marcus pulled the other shoulder of the tunic down her arm, and peeled it the rest of the way off. He left it bunched around her waist.
Jeresa leaned back into Marcus’s strong body and rested her head in the hollow below his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her waist and steadied her upon his hard cock. If she’d been naked, his cock would be jammed between the deep cleft of her ass.
Garian and Derek moved to opposite sides of her. Garian cupped her right breast. Derek cupped her left breast. They lowered their heads. She jerked and moaned under the fantastic sensation of two hot, hungry mouths on her nipples at the same time.
Marcus slid his hand between her legs and took care of her clit while he dry-humped against her ass.
As for Axel, he opened his pants, exposed his erect cock and stroked the hard flesh slowly, pumping his hand up and down its swollen length. The engorged head looked purple from all the blood trapped in it. Pre-cum dribbled at the tip and a thick vein throbbed along the shaft. It was the most beautiful cock she’d seen in a long time. She wanted him to give it to her right now. He smiled and kept pumping.
Garian and Derek sucked faster. Their teeth nipped at her nipples and the sensitive skin along her ribs.
Jeresa rode Marcus’s hand with desperate thrusts of her hips. She arched against him and cried out while wave after wave of orgasm ripped through her grateful body.
Garian and Derek lifted their heads from her breasts and grinned at her. Then before she even had a chance to form a coherent thought let alone say anything, they grabbed her tunic at her waist and removed every last scrap of her clothing along with her slippers.
Garian tilted her chin, traced her lips with his thumb and gave her a quick, hard kiss. “Jeresa, you’re crew now. Anything you want, anything you desire, we’ll do it for you and to you. Always. Anytime. Anywhere.”
Derek kissed her next. “We belong to you now. Our cocks are yours to command.”
Marcus gave her a quick kiss next. “Welcome aboard, Jeresa. As crew you are closer than family to us. Forever.” He scooped her up in his arms. “Where do you want to take her, Captain?”
Axel pointed at a black section of the bridge console a few feet away. His voice had deepened into a rough carnality that sent shivers down her spine. “There. That control board is shut down. It’s just the right height for us to take her, one at a time.”
Marcus sat her on the edge and stepped back. Garian and Derek opened their pants. Their erect cocks bobbed between their lazily stroking hands. Long and thick with heavy veins ridging the skin, they were more than ready to satisfy her needs.
Marcus opened his pants and exposed his erect cock. He grinned at her and said, “We go by seniority for the first round. The captain, communications specialist, engineer and cook. After that, it’s your choice.”
Her heart thundered in her ears. Her blood raced hot and thick in her veins. She braced her hands on the edge of the console, leaned back and opened her legs wide so they all had a full view of her aroused, wet pussy.
All four men groaned with hunger. Their eyes glazed over.
Axel approached her first. He stepped between her legs, braced his hands on the console and lowered his mouth to hers. The head of his cock nudged at her clit. She groaned and tilted her hips up for easier access.
“Jeresa.” He spoke her name in a guttural whisper. “You are special to us now. There is regular crew. And there is crew. You’re crew now, not regular crew. Do you understand?”
The way he looked at her went right through her. Hot, hungry and hopeful. He didn’t consider what they planned to do to be slut sex. None of them did. It was real and important to them. “Yes, I understand.” She put her arms around his neck and brushed his lips with a chaste kiss. “I am crew.”
“Will you accept all of us, Jeresa? We’ll try to be gentle, but it won’t be easy to stay in control.”
“Yes, I want all of you to give me your cum and show me how much I mean to you.”
Joy blazed in his eyes and transformed his face. He grabbed her by the waist and shoved himself into her, all the way inside. The sudden shock of his hard shaft filling her so completely took her breath away. It felt so good, as if she’d died and gone to heaven. She tightened her arms around his neck, wrapped her legs around him and lifted her hips upon his eager, pounding cock.
No long, slow fuck for the first round. No, he was going at her hard and fast, groaning in a headlong rush into orgasm. It was a glorious sensation. It made her feel like the sexiest woman in the universe to know that she was the reason for his total loss of control.
He stopped moving as if a bolt of lightning had struck him.
Hot cum jetted into her. She moaned at the sensation, squeezed his cock and milked every last, wonderful drop from him.
“Oh, yes,” he whispered. “Yes.”
She unwound her arms from his neck. He remained with his hands braced beside her. He closed his eyes
and fought for breath. Her captain, vulnerable and trembling, rested between her legs with his pants down around his ankles.
Finally, he opened his eyes and gave her another smile of pure joy. He brushed her lips with a gentle kiss, eased himself out of her body and then moved away.
Garian stepped up and took his place between her open legs. Eager happiness glowed on his caramel-colored face. He cupped her breasts, bent his head over them and carefully sucked and bit her aching nipples until she started moaning and squirming with need. Then he grabbed her by the waist and kissed her full on the mouth. He looked at her and slid the full length of his thick cock into her pussy.
She gasped.
“You like that, don’t you?”
“Do you want more?”
“Yes, please.”
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want you to fuck me, Garian.”
He pulled out almost to the end and slammed into her again. “Like this?”
She groaned, grabbed his butt and wrapped her legs around him. “Yes, more please.”
He increased his pace and shoved into her in a steady, mind-blowing rhythm. The muscles in his butt bunched under her hands. She looked over his shoulder. Derek and Marcus had taken the time to remove all of their clothing. They held their erect cocks in their hands, slowly pumped them and grinned with anticipation gleaming in their eyes.
“Fuck me harder, Garian.” She gasped. “Fuck me good and hard. Give me all of your cum. Get me ready for more.”
And he did. Garian fucked and banged her so hard, her whole body moved with each deep thrust. When he came, wave after wave of ecstasy exploded through her.
She mewled with helpless abandon. He pulled out, caressed her cheek with his lips and stepped aside.
Derek quickly took his place. Smooth and sure, he inserted himself and moved in slow, deliberate strokes. “Anytime, Jeresa. Anytime you want, you can have me.”
Wonderful, lean muscles bunched under her hands. His long, thick cock filled her aching pussy with loving attention. Lifting her hips into those strokes, she met each one as if she wanted to melt her flesh against his strong, sculpted body.