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  Chapter Fourteen

  Marcus paced in the corridor with Garian. Their reindeer furs fit perfectly but that was no surprise. Cousin Caspian had the credits to outfit fifty men and women in the proper style if he wanted. Matching furs and brightly embroidered boots for all of his wranglers. After all, reindeer racing was the most important and profitable sport on this planet. The racetracks raked in millions from bets with the Triple Stakes Derby as the crowning event of the weeklong Winterfest celebration.

  The door on the other side opened. Jeresa and Serena stepped out and spun around to display their new outfits. Soft tan hides clung to their curves with the fur inside to caress their bodies. Jeresa’s warm, golden skin, amber eyes and long black curls tied back in a loose ponytail gave her the appearance of a legendary elfish princess. And Serena, with her dark skin and sloe-black eyes, looked like a woodland sprite ready to steal away an unwary man’s heart with sweet, magical kisses. Mysterious, exotic and gorgeous, both of them. Nothing at all like the tall, blonde, blue-eyed women of Asgardholm.

  Jeresa put her hand on her hip. “Well, what do we do next?”

  He grinned, swept her a low bow and then gestured down the corridor. “Now we go down to the loading bay and meet our charges.”

  Marcus led the first reindeer out onto the dock.

  Jeresa frowned. “I thought they’d be smaller. More along the lines of a pony.”

  Marcus handed her the bridle straps. “These are racers, not dairy or meat animals. They’re gene-engineered and bred for size, speed and temperament.”

  Serena arched her eyebrows. “Temperament?”

  Garian reached out a tentative hand and stroked the furry neck. The reindeer bobbed its head and leaned into his stroking hand like a dog. “This one’s very friendly and docile.” He rubbed his hand over the head and scratched behind the long ears. “This one doesn’t have any antlers. Does that mean it’s a girl?”

  Marcus grinned at him. “Actually, it’s the other way around right now. The male reindeer lose their antlers during November and December while the females retain their antlers until February. In springtime, the males grow their antlers first and the females grow their antlers about a month or two later.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the rest of their charges tied up in a line on the dock. “There’s only one buck allowed per team of eight reindeer. That way you don’t have the bucks fighting for supremacy over the does during the fall mating season.”

  Jeresa ran her hands down the buck’s legs and stared at the hooves. “Do they wear horseshoes?”

  Marcus bent down and lifted the foreleg. “They don’t need horseshoes. The hoof is split into two fingers and two dewclaws for a total of four digits. This gives them excellent traction and control on snow and ice. Let’s load him onboard now.”

  Serena nodded. “If they’re so docile, why do you need four wranglers?”

  Marcus chuckled. His crewmates were smart and quick on the uptake. This was going to be an easy ride and easy money added to their ship’s coffers. Plus, they’d have a couple of free hours to enjoy the Winterfest before their return shuttle flight. “The racers are pets. They’re conditioned to human companionship. One wrangler riding in the stall per two reindeer keeps them calm and prevents them from injuring themselves during the shuttle flight.”

  He pointed at the four hassock-sized robots waiting on the docks. “The good part about being a wrangler is the fact that we don’t have to muck out their stalls anymore. The bots handle that for us.”

  Relieved grins and sighs greeted that announcement.

  Jeresa leaned over the railing and peered at the rest of their charges. “What about all the bells and fancy harnesses they wear for the races? Are we supposed to learn how to put them on too?”

  Marcus shook his head. “Cousin Caspian has fully trained wranglers on planet to take care of that. All we have to do is load them into their stalls and ride with them to the surface.” He snapped his fingers. “Nothing to it.”

  * * *

  Sleigh bells ringing, Cousin Caspian sat in the driver’s seat and controlled his team with steady hands. They moved out at a brisk trot across the snow-covered field.

  The spaceport’s domes dwindled into toy sculptures behind them. A blaze of multicolored lights splashed across the icy slopes looming a few miles away was their goal. Fenrishelm awaited them with Winterfest going on in all its glittering glory.

  A cold winter breeze tugged at the heavy fur blankets covering their bodies. Stars and moons flashed past their heads in a dizzy whirl while the rippling sheets of the aurora borealis painted the black sky. Now for the fun part! Marcus grinned, flipped the switch on his padded seat to full recline and slipped his hands under Serena’s tunic. Hot, smooth skin under his fingers. Soft, warm breast and pouting nipples all ready for his pleasure. He pulled her closer and whispered, “I’m going to take care of your fine pussy now.”

  She tilted her head back and flashed him a slow, lingering carnal smile. Judging by the frantic humping going on beneath the adjoining pile of furs, Garian and Jeresa were already fully occupied in enjoying their first sleigh ride.

  “What’s your hurry?” She wiggled her buttocks against him in a wonderful and carnal teasing grind. His cock strained to reach her past their furs. “Shouldn’t we be enjoying the sights along the ride like normal tourists?”

  He shook his head and tweaked her nipples just hard enough for muffled gasps to escape from her parted lips. “It’s traditional, my darling, for all couples to fuck during their first sleigh ride. It brings good luck and fertility for the families.”

  Serena’s eyes widened with delighted comprehension. She slipped her hand inside his pants. Strong, small fingers captured his cock.

  Oh yes! He groaned and bucked his hips against her skillful fingers. He must remember to hold back long enough to make sure she came first. Another ancient tradition he intended to keep.

  Her white teeth flashed in an eager smile. “Ooh. I like your traditions.”

  He ducked his head down to hers and captured her mouth with his.

  From there things rapidly deteriorated into controlled chaos. Soft groans, hot kisses, hands moving swiftly to unfasten tunics and pants, all the while keeping the fur covers pulled up to their necks. Pants and boots kicked off. Hot skin against skin. Cousin Caspian yelled and cracked his whip. The reindeer increased their speed to an easy canter. Sleigh bells jingled louder. Air puffed from their mouths. Snowflakes whirled around their heads.

  Marcus lifted Serena by her waist and impaled her sizzling wet pussy with his cock. Hot damn! She wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned forward. Her lovely breasts dangled in front of his mouth. He managed to keep his voice down to a rough murmur. “Ride me, baby. Ride me good and hard, as long as you can take me.”

  Then he grabbed her breasts together and sucked and pinched her nipples trying to keep up with the speed of her pistoning hips. Jeresa’s low keening moan of orgasm sliced through the air.

  Serena gasped. Her hot pussy squeezed and rode his shaft faster and harder.

  Don’t come, he reminded himself. Wait for her. Her pussy squeezed him harder. Her gasps turned into soft grunts and moans. The squeezes rippled across his cock, milking him. Yes! “That’s it, baby. Come for me. Come real good for me now.”

  She yelled, “Ohgodohgodohgod!” And collapsed on top of him in a quivering heap of shaky arms and legs.

  He held her tight and stroked his hands along her back under the soft fur of her opened tunic, past the delightful curve of her spine. Finally, he cupped her buttocks and whispered in her ear, “Are you ready for me to fill your ass with cum now, darling?”

  * * *

  Talk about timing it too close! Marcus had finished fucking Jeresa a few minutes before they arrived at the fairgrounds. All four of them dove under the furs in a mad giggling scramble for boots and pants.

  They surfaced hot and sweaty and decently attired when the sleigh finally rolled to a stop at the
main entrance. But no one really minded as all the other sleighs in line with them were filled with giggling and disheveled couples.

  As usual, they’d set up Winterfest in the fairgrounds section right at the end of the city limits. Old fashioned Ferris wheels, roller coasters and crack the whip rides carried laughing and screaming passengers high above the thick throngs of excited fairgoers. Ice skaters whirled around the skating rink. Multicolored lights and holographs decorated the food concession stands, the handcraft booths, and the different domes set up for the races, show-jumping, circus arena and livestock exhibitions.

  Aircars, groundcars and sleighs in all shapes and sizes overflowed the parking lot and spilled into the snow-covered fields. Puffs of vapor filled the air from everyone’s breathing, and no one cared. Their fur-lined clothes kept them warm despite the arctic chill.

  Caspian turned in his seat and looked them over. “Tradition is good.” He pointed with his whip at the largest dome. “If you need to see me later, I’ll be there where the main races begin tomorrow morning.”

  Marcus climbed out of the sleigh along with his crewmates and grinned back at his cousin. “Thank you. We’ll catch up with you later after we’ve enjoyed the sights.” He hugged Jeresa with one arm. Garian and Serena stood beside them with arms entwined.

  The years dropped away. Marcus felt like a teenager again, walking hand in hand through Winterfest with two exotic beauties and his best friend. Laughing and smiling, they marveled at tiny reindeer carved from wood and stone, examined lavishly embroidered deerskin attire, and peered at ornate saddles dripping with gold and silver. They wandered past booths selling cookies, pastries, hot and cold pies and cheeses of every flavor and size. They bought mugs of hot, spicy onion soup and thick, warm slices of fresh baked rye bread.

  They strolled into the main concourse and studied the line waiting for the roller coaster ride.

  A voice behind Marcus said, “Spacer sluts! They’ll fuck anyone, anytime, anywhere.”

  Marcus and Garian spun around at the same time. Six drunken louts, barely out of their teens, swayed and leered openly at Serena and Jeresa.

  Garian stepped forward with his hands balled into fists. Marcus grabbed his arm. “No. We don’t want to be in jail facing charges of assault and battery and disturbing the peace when Nebula lifts off.”

  Garian tightened his mouth into a grim line and nodded. They turned their backs on the louts, grabbed their women’s hands and moved forward into the crowd.

  A few minutes later, Marcus risked a glance over his shoulder. The drunken fools had mistaken their prudence for cowardice. They followed relentlessly.

  Damn it! He needed to get them out of here fast!

  He kept their pace to a slow walk. If they ran, the idiots behind them would push and shove and escalate things into a full-fledged brawl.

  Not good. Not good at all. They were here to have fun, not get involved in fights with drunken teenaged punks.

  They ambled past the concession stands, and joined a stream of people entering the biggest dome. Sections were roped off. Marshals directed the crowd past the stalls of reindeer getting groomed and bathed.

  Marcus towed his crewmates to the side. They ducked behind the bleachers and waited. Snow, ice and slush crunched and splashed under their boots. Their trackers drifted past, heads swiveling and looking for their prey within the crowd.

  “Now what?” Jeresa whispered. “Are we going to hide behind the bleachers all night long?”

  Marcus shook his head. “I saw Caspian’s colors halfway around the arena. If we keep walking in this direction we’ll come out at his stable. Hopefully, he can help us get out of here without causing a riot.”

  * * *

  Caspian slipped his arms into the long-sleeved fur cloak. Insulated goggles and fur muffs completed his attire. His crew worked feverishly behind him harnessing eight reindeer to the light racing sleigh and throwing mounds of furs into the back. He shaded his eyes with his hand and studied their opponents. The louts had increased their number to about twenty drunken men shouting rude insults while they pushed and shoved their way through the crowd. “Why do you want to run? We can take those fools down with one hand tied behind our backs.”

  Marcus shook his head. “I didn’t spend twenty-five years in space and earn my gray hairs for nothing. We don’t have the time to deal with the lawyers and fines that will come after the fight. Remember, our ship leaves tomorrow afternoon. Our best bet is to get out of here and grab the next shuttle.”

  Caspian threw his head back and roared with laughter. Finally he stopped, wiped the tears from his eyes and clapped his hand on Marcus’s shoulder. “It’s worth it to hear you admit you’ve become a sedate old graybeard after all your years in space.” He jabbed his thumb at the sleigh. “Make sure you strap your lovely ladies in this time. I’ll get you out of here in one piece but I can’t guarantee a quiet ride.”

  They climbed aboard in a heated rush and hurriedly fastened the straps over the furs and themselves.

  Caspian clambered up to the driver’s seat and gathered the reins into his gloved hands. He cracked his whip and yelled, “Hee haw!”

  The reindeer took off at a fast walk, scattering tables aside. People yelled and jumped out of the way. They bumped across the rutted snow and slush and eased onto the racetrack. Only instead of going around the circle, Caspian cut across the middle and the sleigh slipped and skidded sideways while he drove them straight out the back exit of the dome into the cold frosty air of the night.

  Outraged screams and yells followed them. Caspian yelled at the top of his lungs and cracked his whip high in the air. His team increased their speed. The sleigh lurched forward. Marcus squeezed Jeresa and Serena’s hands. “Hold on tight now. This is only the beginning.”

  They went from a trot to a gallop down the rutted lane behind the concession stands and parking lot. A flood of angry young men stormed out of the dome and ran into the lot after them. Doors slammed. Motors and rotors started up on aircars and groundcars.

  All eight of the huge gas planets that gave Asgardholm’s star system excellent resources for spacecraft fuel had already risen. Named after the ancient legendary Norse Frost Giants, they glowed like brilliant moonlets against the flaming sheets of the aurora borealis blazing across the black star-studded sky.

  Streamers of white air blew from the reindeer’s snouts. Their legs moved so fast that they blurred. They looked like magical creatures from a fairy tale now racing across the snow. Caspian pulled a full-face black ski mask over his head, ears and mouth, and his goggles over his eyes. He stood, braced his feet on the running board, yelled and cracked his whip again.

  The sleigh lurched forward under another sudden burst of speed while the reindeer maintained their headlong gallop. Their harness bells jingled in a wild chorus. The chilled night air whipped past the sleigh in an icy stream and brought tears to everyone’s slitted eyes.

  Faster and faster they moved. The sleigh felt like it was flying across the snow. The stars blurred into an endless stream of light in the sky above them.

  The sound of aircars and groundcars filled the air behind them.

  One mile, two miles, three miles sped past in a blur while aircars and groundcars roared behind them in furious chase. In no time at all, they skidded to a stop in a shower of snow and ice in front of the spaceport dome.

  With frantic frozen hands they fumbled at their safety belts, undid them and scrambled out onto the ground.

  Caspian pulled his ski mask away from his face. With a crazy grin, he waved at them to enter the spaceport and yelled, “Next time, stay a little longer. I’ll show you a real race then!” He cracked his whip and guided his sleigh away in a shower of snow and ice. Groundcars and aircars swooped and swerved in panicked flight from the massive reindeer running full tilt at them.

  “At least spacers aren’t crazy fools like these dirtsiders.” Marcus linked hands with his crewmates and led them into the spaceport. “Maybe next time w
e’ll stay longer. But for now, I’m more than ready to go home.”

  Barbara Karmazin

  With twenty-nine and a half years of experience as a bilingual (Spanish/English) caseworker under her belt, Barbara Karmazin utilizes a unique blend of multi-cultural knowledge for her science fiction and urban fantasy. She incorporates the same sense of adventure and wonder to her SF/erotica and urban fantasy erotica stories.

  Barbara loves new ideas and is willing to write about all versions of sexuality, both human and alien, while maintaining a fast paced SF adventure plot that will leave you gasping in more ways than one. Affectionately known by the nickname of “Chainsaw” by her many critique partners, she brings a fresh look and enthusiasm for “out of the box” SF/fantasy and paranormal erotica and romance stories.

  Check out Barbara’s website at, her MySpace account at, or you can email her at